Submitted by Aliya Patel, PCC 

During the peak of COVID-19, Aliya Patel started to approach the crowd through social platforms. She was surprised to see the list of bookings as 90% were youth/millennial females. Aliya started this initiative because, “I was getting myself trained for my ACC Credential and I wanted to understand/learn the real meaning of empathy. I discovered the power of how one can be empathetic, and how it plays an extremely important role in reducing stress and emotions for someone as I accomplished 100+ pro bono sessions during the pandemic—and still the process is going on.”

Aliya completed the 100+ sessions with data and testimonials in email and in Instagram highlights. Every call she received ended with a statement, “Ma’ am thank you for letting me speak out, hearing me patiently, without knowing me, and also without charging me. I am feeling so much better; I can’t express in words.” 

Aliya’s initiative was not pre-planned. It was simply a result of missing her kids and recognizing her anxiety as they are international students. The anxiety led to a realization that other must be suffering as well.

“People need to talk. So, let’s talk, let’s listen to them, let’s understand their pain too; and thus my journey started,” Aliya says.