Submitted by Mazen Edlibi, PCC
ICF UAE Chapter 

The Humanitarian Coaching Network is a platform that connects humanitarian staff with a global cohort of volunteer professional coaches. Its aim is to provide humanitarian and development organizations with an innovative, cost-effective way of supporting the well-being and growth of a critical mass of their staff, particularly those serving in the most isolated and complex posts. During the pandemic, three clients were assigned to coach Mazen Edlibi, PCC, and five pro bono sessions were offered for each of them.

“Both I and the coach have chosen the topics that will be the focus of our sessions. We talked about the challenges facing me and how to find ways to mitigate the impact of challenges and difficulties. We’ve identified the challenges that influence my way of thinking, and we carried out exercises in the form of various weekly challenges that greatly contributed to helping me solve the problems facing me.”

—Coach Participant