Submitted by Dilek Er, ACC
Coaching provided to organization leaders (e.g., supervisors, managers) of ACENDIS Medical Company

During the pandemic, managers have to enter every pandemic hospital in every single city in the country. They need to talk with doctors about shortages of medical equipment. They have so many responsibilities, including saving their own loved ones’ lives from COVID-19. It is important while carrying out this work for them to have someone to care for their needs. They need support from a coach for motivation and to not feel alone in the field. They would tell stories of sleepless nights and weeks of waiting on test results before they could go home; sometimes they would call just for a cup of coffee and to say, “I’m fine now.” 

It can be easy to feel helpless in a very upsetting situation, but the only way to win this war is by staying alive. As a coach, I tried to support these managers by building their self-leadership and focusing on what they need to do to carry out their duties and come home safe. They did not have any experience with coaches before this, but I could see how helpful when one of their spouses called me personally to thank me.