
Applications for the ICF Foundation 2025 Board of Trustees is now open.




Applications for the ICF Foundation 2025 Board of Trustees is now open.

The ICF Foundation Board of Trustees guides and directs the strategic plans and goals to achieve the mission of the ICF Foundation. These leaders’ unique blend of experience and understanding will guide our passion that social change is accelerated and amplified through coaching. Interested in serving on the Board of Trustees for the ICF Foundation? Please review the information below for more information about the requirements and expectations of Trustees.

Requirements and FAQs

Why Serve on the ICF Foundation Board of Trustees?

As the ICF Foundation, we envision the greatest possible contribution of coaching to a thriving society. As coaches, we have an essential role to play at this moment in history. In areas from education to environment, coaching relationships can help bridge the gap between what is seen as possible under current scenarios and what is needed to achieve a thriving society.

Who and What Are We Looking For?

One vacancy will be available on the ICF Foundation Board of Trustees starting January 1, 2025

Eligibility requirements to serve on the ICF Foundation Board of Trustees include the following: 

  • Personal and professional commitment to supporting the mission and vision of the ICF Foundation, including supporting the United Nations Global Goals.
  • Honoring the strategic work that has been done by previous years’ Boards of Trustees.
  • Personal and professional commitment to supporting human rights and ICF DEIJB values.
  • A strategic perspective and mindset that includes awareness of societal dynamics with a capacity to anticipate change and growth opportunities in diverse and inclusive global communities.
  • Experience as a representative of a for-profit or nonprofit organization with a positive record of leadership experience with complex organizations.
  • Bold, courageous character that expresses passion in an envisioned future and ability to convey that vision in a compelling fashion that inspires others to engage and fully participate in Foundation activities.
  • Influence and connection to create meaningful relationships with key influencers of international nonprofits, strategic partners, and donors that support the growth of human and financial resources. 
  • Gives an annual financial gift at a level that is reflective of personal circumstances and other commitments.
  • Consistently display a fairness and duty of loyalty that holds the best interest of the Foundation and its objectives over a Trustee’s personal interest. 
  • An independent, objective, candid, yet constructive approach to working collaboratively in a team thinking and influence processes.
  • The time, energy, interest, passion, and commitment to active participation in the Foundation core purpose.
  • Provide two (2) character references.

Expectations from ICF Foundation Trustees

    • Participate in New Trustee(s) Orientation sessions (2025 dates to be determined).
    • Attend Board meetings/calls and Annual Strategic Planning Meeting/call (2025 dates to be determined).
    • Contribute and participate in online Basecamp communities (ICF Foundation and ICF). 
    • Attend additional Board meetings/calls as needed. 
    • Being flexible and willing to attend urgent or impromptu Board Zoom calls. 
    • Represent the ICF Foundation at events and/or ICF task forces.

Term of ICF Foundation Trustee(s)

  • ICF Foundation Trustee(s) serve a two-year term, and not more than two consecutive terms before a one-year break in service.

Nomination and Appointment Process

To be considered by the 2025 ICF Foundation Nomination Committee, please complete the online application by July 30, 2024. By applying, you agree to hold the requirements/values stated in this document in public and when representing the ICF Foundation.

Important Dates

Important Dates

  • July 30, 2024, 5:00 p.m. EDT (New York): Deadline to complete online submission.

  • August – September 2024: Candidate interviews with Nominations Committee.

  • November 2024: Candidates will be notified of their application status by November 29, 2024.

2025 ICF Foundation Nominating Committee

Rania Laing, FCIM, PCC

Rania Laing, FCIM, PCC

Sundar Visvanathan

Sundar Visvanathan, PCC

Tamala Chirwa, PCC

Tamala Chirwa, PCC

Every gift creates meaningful impact.

Every gift creates meaningful impact.

“I give to the ICF Foundation because the work is completely aligned with my life purpose, my aspirations, and my raison d’etre. This work is important for so many reasons and I am honored to be a part of our growing society of trained coaches.”
— Frances Berry, PCC (Australia)

Support our efforts by considering a financial donation. Join the ICF Foundation Society or become a corporate sponsor today!

Frances Berry, PCC (Australia)