Submitted by İlkay Öğrenci, PCC
ICF Turkey Chapter

The resilience and power of change of a society determines the endurance and power of change of its individuals. At the ICF Turkey Chapter, their aim is to increase the number of pro bono coaching projects in their chapter to reduce inequalities around reaching coaching services in all parts of our society. ICF Turkey provided pro bono coaching sessions to members of TÜRGÖK (Library for the Blind). With this collaboration, they aimed to increase members’ abilities and self-confidence to cope with challenges (especially during the pandemic) and discover their values and strengths. In this way they could create their own path to visions and goals.

ICF Turkey had 16 volunteer coaches working with 30 coachees on this project. Each coachee received six hours of pro coaching for a total of 180 coaching hours for TÜRGÖK members.