Submitted by Heather Thomson, ACC
ICF Edmonton Chapter

During the pandemic, Heather Thomson provided pro bono group coaching for women educational leaders, age 35 and up. Six leaders participated in the Mental Fitness Program where group coaching was provided as well as facilitation of the Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Program. The initiative provided weekly 30–45-minute coaching sessions. The coachees worked in administration ranging from Assistant Principals to Associate Superintendents and were able to use the skills and tools gained not only in their work, but also in their personal lives.

The participants completed the positive intelligence saboteur assessment and the positive intelligence happiness assessment before the program began and then redid the assessment at the end of the program. This assessment provided them the opportunity to measure their success with the initiative.

“The area that has most improved for me, is in dealing with difficult people or situations at work. This is an easier place to start as I’m not as emotionally invested during these situations and was able to take a moment to reflect on whether my saboteur or sage was driving my response to a situation. My most valuable transformation has been to stop, pause and evaluate why I am feeling the way I am and more importantly, why I am acting the way I am.”

—Educator participant